
Christophe Claret Goes Back In Time


Christophe Claret Goes Back In Time


Watchmaker Christophe Claret has chosen to play with a different perception of time in his latest project—a historical and archeological movie produced in collaboration with the film production company NVP3D.

Through a 3D documentary, Christophe Claret and NVP3D’s Director Philippe Nicolet take the audience 2,000 years back in time to feature the amazingly rich patrimony of Avenches, the ancient Gallo-Roman capital of The Helvetii. The Helvetii occupied most of the Swiss plateau during the Roman civilization and chose Avenches (known as Aventicum) as their political and religious center. Avenches still exists today as a town part of the Swiss canton of Vaud, with a big part of the old capital buried underneath its feet waiting to be discovered.


The Roman theater of Avenches


One of the archeological excavations of 2013

Produced in agreement with the Roman Museum of Avenches, the film features excavations as they are taking place and highlights numerous treasures from the city’s past all through 3D imagery, such as a gold bust of the Emperor Marcus Aurelius (see above), mosaics, sculptures and hundreds of engraved coins.


Bronze eagle statue dating from the end of the 2nd century AD

Throughout his career as a watchmaker, Christophe Claret has sought inspiration in many other fields besides watchmaking to create each of his pieces. With history being one of his passions, we might soon discover a new timepiece inspired by the ancient capital!

Credits: Copyright AVENTICVM–Site et Musée romains d’Avenches–NVP3D.