Glashütte Original

Belles In Berlin: Glashütte Original Launches New Ladies’ Pavonina Collection

Glashütte Original

Belles In Berlin: Glashütte Original Launches New Ladies’ Pavonina Collection


It’s a major event for Glashütte Original –the launch of a new collection of ladies’ watches.  The collection debuted here in Berlin, during the Berlinale Film Festival, of which Glashütte Original is a major sponsor.  It’s a world-class film festival (spotted on my flight over: Ethan Hawke, his hair a shock of bleached blonde for his role in the play “Clive,” in which he plays an over-the-hill rock star trying to make a comeback) and a fitting venue for a first look at the collection.


The collection’s been dubbed the “Pavonina” (Latin for “peacock”) Collection and the theme, naturally, of the launch event was “celebrating women.”


The cushion cases gave a lot of us a slightly 70’s feel (as well as connecting dots with the GO Sixties Square Chronograph, one of our favorites for gents from Glashütte Original) and one of the high points was this high jewelry model –98 diamonds, set in the form of a stylized peacock’s tail.